Felix Choice Game

FELIX Choice Game
Felix Choice Game is a blockchain game based on the EOS mainnet. Random numbers are all generated on the blockchain by EOS Smart Contract. Felix aims to build a fair, transparent and decentralized game ecosystem through blockchain technology.

※ Game Rules
● The total number of cards in each games is 20 and it is distributed to 5 cards equally to table of banker and players of 3.
It is called ‘Made’ if multiple of 10 (e.g. 10 or 20) is achieved by adding 3 cards out of 5 and ‘NONE’ if the combination of 3 cards fail to achieve above number.

● Player table will get 5 cards and it will achieve ‘MADE’ if sum of 3 cards make multiple of 10. Once the player table successfully achieve ‘MADE’, the winner will be determined by the rest of 2 cards.
(the number of 2 cards will be added if they are different numbers after successfully achieving ‘MADE’ and the first digit number will determine the winner in the game. It is called ‘ CHOICE’)
EX) 9 , 7 = 16 -> 6CHOICE

● Users are only allowed bet on the player table and only the table with ‘MADE’ will challenge the banker table with the 2 cards that haven’t been used to achieve ‘MADE’.
The number of 2 cards will be added after successfully achieving ‘MADE’ and the first digit number will determine the winner in the game. It is called ‘ CHOICE’
EX) 9 , 7 = 16 -> 6CHOICE

● If the numbers of 2 cards are identical after ‘MADE’ it is called ‘PAIR’ and it always beats ‘CHOICE’ in any circumstances.
The highest statues of ‘PAIR’ is 10 + 10 (a 10 PAIR) and Jackpot bonus will be given to user who win the game with 10 PAIR.
(The part of Team House fee (0.5%) will be accumulated to JACKPOT POOL and the 10% of JAPCKPOT POOL will be distributed to the players who win the game with 10 PAIR.
Users who beats banker with ‘CHOICE’ will be granted 1.94x of their betting amount, 2.9x with ‘PAIR’ and 2.9x + JACKPOT BONUS with ’10 PAIR’. 

● Player table will open 1 card to the public upon start. ※ Banker will not open any cards.
Users will make decision of which Player table they will choose to bet after checking the cards of each player table.  ※ Users are not allowed to bet on banker.

● The bet will be returned if the number of banker and player are tie. However, user will collect winning price if user bet on ‘TIE’  
The Banker always win if both tables are ‘NONE’.

● User collects 8x of their betting amount when winning ‘TIE BET’ (8 to 1).

○ Tie : The sum of number of both player table and banker table are identical. (However, both tables must match the condition of ‘MADE’. ‘NONE’ will not be counted)
EX) You bet on “Player table 1 Tie” PLAYER Result: 7 CHOICE, BANKER Result: 7 CHOICE. You win TIE BET.

※ How to join Banker
○ All Players can join the Banker by clicking on ‘Join’ button.
○ The lowest amount of staking to Banker is ‘100 EOS’ and there is no limit on amount of EOS and seat.
○ Winning and losing episode of banker will affect the EOS of user by their staking amount. The specific mount and rate will vary by the amount of EOS of each user.
○ User who joined the banker will be applied in the next round.
○ User who joined the banker can Whitedraw after at least 10 Rounds.

♠The certain amount of FELIX token will be distributed upon join any game regardless of result and dividend will be distributed to you by staking FELIX token.
♠1 ticket of lotto will be given to user if betting more than 10 EOS to choice game.


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